Friday, November 9, 2012

First Glass Bedding Job

Well, I took the plunge and went ahead with the glass bedding for the new rifle. Kind of scary.  I had never done anything like that before. Watching my dad do it and watching vids online is not the same. 
First I waxed EVERYTHING and taped off the parts where you do not want glue.  The bedding compound is called Acraglass from  It is a two part glass reinforced epoxy system.  Pretty simple to mix up.  Just like regular epoxy, 1:1 resin and hardener.  They include brown and black dye.  I chose brown.  So the bedding compound looked like chocolate pudding while it is being applied.  

Action taped then waxed over the tape.
The bedding compound was spread around with a Popsicle stick.  It looked kind of intimidating to take a perfectly good looking stock and spear glue all inside then stick a brand new rifle into it.

All put back together around 10:30pm.  We will wait and see how we did tomorrow.

Reassembled and waiting to dry.

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